Newsletter for the Rotary Club of Western Endeavour - Issue No.: 1115 Issue Date: 14 Apr, 2024

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The Post Polio Network of WA.

Post Polio Support Network in WA

Our club was fortunate to have the CEO Tessa Jupp speak to us on the Post Polio support Network WA.

Tessa started the PPNWA, 30 years ago having met her husband Colin, a polio survivor whom she then supported for  20 years until  he ultimately  succumbed from its effects.


PPNWA is a properly constituted charitable organisation AND self help group of Polio survivors formed to improve the ability of members to function as independently and with as few problems as possible as they reach a mature age.  This is achieved by provision of information on polio's late effects to both survivors and health professionals; a free preliminary assessment clinic and local research.


Tessa described the initial and longer term effects of polio viruses. These maybe mild or so severe one only survives in an iron lung.

Tessa estimates that there have been 2500 polio survivors in Western Australia and most remaining survivors are now between 60 and 80 years old.


Although Polio is largely eradicated, there  have been outbreaks in third world countries where the polio vaccine has not been properly administered.


Polio survivors suffer from pain and fatigue and  PPNWA has formed the belief that prescriptive medicines are not as useful as natural remedies.


Tessa outlined some of the promising pain and fatigue relieving supplements such as carnatine, magnesium, manganese, Vitamins B6, B12, K2 and D3. Gelatine, Fish Oil and Borax are also useful. 


Tessa believes that people among the general population who suffer from fatigue, anxiety, depression and pain should consider including some of these natural supplements in their diet.


PPNWA has produced much useful literature about remedies for these ailments.

For further information their website is

poliowa - Post Polio Network of WA › ~poliowa


Author: Marcus Harris

Published: 31 October, 2019


Meeting Rosters
Thanks & Cleanup
3 minute bio
17 Apr, 24
23 Apr, 24
Marcus Harris
Peter Batskos
David Fisher
Bruce Dufty
30 Apr, 24
Marcus Harris
Marina Berzins
Marina Berzins
Judy Dinnison
07 May, 24
Barrie Heald
David Fisher
John Boxall
Judy Dinnison
14 May, 24
Laurie Glossop
Judy Dinnison
28 May, 24
Marcus Harris
Laurie Dender
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